What Revelation says to us
The Book of Revelation can be a scary book to approach for many people. Apart from it being one of the most widely debated books of the Bible as to eschatological meaning, there are some very graphic and upsetting images that John was given as it relates to the end of times. Two major groups emerge in their regard to this prophetic book. The first chooses to barely skim the book and disregard further study in favor of something less daunting such as one of Paul’s epistles. The second group becomes overly fixated on the book. They throw themselves headlong into deciphering the images to gain knowledge of the what, where, and when of the end of days.
Both of these approaches to the book can completely miss the purpose of the book itself. While John was on the Isle of Patmos, God gave him a vision of what was to come. This vision was given to John so that he could warn the churches in Asia (and later us) about the fact that Jesus is coming, that His Kingdom will be realized, and that all who fail to remain faithful will face severe judgment. That’s it. That is the central message of the Book that ends the bible.
Yes, there are several important messages and a timeline given for when the tribulation will take place. There is a description of the battle of Armageddon, the millennial reign of Christ, the bowls of wrath, the judgment of the wicked, the seven trumpets, and a marvelous description of the Kingdom of Heaven realized on earth. There are admonishments to each of the seven churches specifically called out in the letter, which we would do well to pay attention to.
But there is a caution that needs to be given when studying this book. We must not miss the forest for the trees. We must see the big picture, which could be best summed up in Jesus’ last words in Revelation 22. “Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay everyone for what he has done. I am the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life and that they may enter the city by the gates…I Jesus have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the decedent of David, the bright morning star.” (Rev. 22:12-16)
The point is that He is coming! The point is that His Kingdom is Coming! The point is that this will happen and there is no getting around it! Are we ready? Have we washed robes in His blood? Do we say “Come Lord Jesus?” My prayer is that I may be found faithful when He arrives!